Every Sunday I get out of the house in the morning for a little wander around the neighbourhood for an hour or so, and this is what I found today.
Australian Wood Ducks at the Floodway
A turtle-spotted dove
A superb fairy wren, I had a few good shots but most were "washed out" from the sun.
And finally a couple of Chestnut Teals, who usually swim away, but this time they trusted they're camoflague and allowed me to get some decent photos :)
I'll se if I can find some more interesting birds next week :)
Morning Wander
Mon, 30/08/2010 - 07:56
Morning Wander
Oh great, here are the Chestnut Teals with their camo techniques.
I can't be bothered adding the 2nd photo of the teals, it's basically the same as the one there anyway. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for sharing these Amateur, doesn't the wood duck in the first photo look like it has a really weird shaped head?!
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
I was thinking the same Hev- like it was missing a chunk out of its neck. Love the teals in the last pic Amateur.
Oxalis is not my friend
Good onya mate......love the Teal shot.
Me too Amateur, they are a pretty duck aren't they, such rich colours. My favourite duck is a plumed whistling duck an then, the wood duck and then these!!
My local woddies started out a few weeks ago with 5 duckings, before I could get a shot of the family I notice they are down to two now. ( Tassie it's in the black cat's zone ... oops! )
Nice shots AMateur
Sunshine Coast Queensland
In regards to the first pick. The wood duck is also known as a maned duck, the male has a dark brown/black set of feathers which he may have been displaying as a distress signal. Think of a small mo-hawk in human terms!
how interesting berldo. bit like the hackles on a dog?
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
The wood ducks are really pretty
I was sad this morning Amateur.... my Woodies were down to one and they were sticking close as they took it out on the pond. Some guy who was passing by said they can go back to back nesting and laying so maybe they'll have better luck next time if that is true.
Sunshine Coast Queensland