My Fairywrens are Superb...

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windshear's picture
My Fairywrens are Superb...

Sorry Araminta, don't mean to rub it in. :P

After a long day of birding (and walking) with little success I arrived home and found the Superb Fairywrens had returned in force. For some reason these guys seem to love me and don't mind me following them around. 

I think the last one's jumping for joy because it's breeding season.

Araminta's picture

 Thanks that hurtscrying Just joking. Mine might last longer in the end?wink Love your photos.


windshear's picture

Araminta wrote:

 Thanks that hurtscrying Just joking. Mine might last longer in the end?wink Love your photos.

I'm not sure I'm qualified to speak to the feathery stamina of my wrens.blush But we'll run with your suggestion.cheekycheeky

How does the saying go? "Good things come to those who wait?"

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Beautiful shots windshear.  He looks like he's having a little tanty in the last one laugh "Lookatmelookatmelookatme, I SAID LOOK AT ME".  Gorgeous heart

West Coast Tasmania

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