Mystery bird

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sue818's picture
Mystery bird

Can someone identify this little bird please? I saw it on a bush walk through the Warriewood Wetlands but cannot find any with the dark face in my books.

Windhover's picture

Do you have more shots? Side on showing head/bill profile could be useful. It's interesting and I am not quite sure just yet.

sue818's picture

Unfortunately no other photos as it flew off. 

Owen1's picture

Easily a Brown Gerygone. Those little white crescents around the eye are tell tale.

There are heaps around Sydney much to my dismay as I have never seen one smiley

Cheers, Owen.

sue818's picture

According to a local bird watcher, the Brown Gerygones around Warriewood Wetlands often have the blackish face. They are nesting in the area now but I could not catch the bird at the nest with my camera as it was just too fast. Apologies that my side-on view of the bird is a bit blurred for the same reason. 

darinnightowl's picture

Yes good call , I had no idea. Didn't even bother look at a book , never see any thing like that.

See it!  Hear it!

Mid-North Coast NSW

pacman's picture


you had better get yourself down to Sea Acres as I got the pic below in early July


maude's picture

We also saw these little black-faced birds at Warriewood Wetlands.  (see my post for more pics  Tue, 28/08/2012) Still wondering if they are Gerygones.


Araminta's picture

Hi Diann, you posted your e-mail address, is that a mistake? If so, I'd delete it.


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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