During the few months I have been on BIBY I have been getting more and more Green with envy, and am considering changing my name to Kermit!!!
I envy the awsome photos I see here - makes my efforts seem pathetic! I envy the knowledge that so many of you have, and I now realise I sadly lack! I envy the mobility and ability to go to so many wonderful places to see all the wonders of the bird world.
Having said all that, and had my winge for the day, I need to call on others' knowledge to ID this bird. The photo was taken just south of Cairns, and is poor quality as it was scanned from an old photo. It was about the same size as a Metalic or Shining Starling which I also photographed in the same tree moments before.
Juv Yellow Oriole? Lorne
Hi Des, I feel your pain!
I do have some photographic ability but my bird knowledge is woeful,
Being on this site definately increases the latter and that is what is important to me in the long run.
Hang in there and I have no idea what your bird is Cheers
That's a bloody nice sharp photo from an old scanned one Des! Des, please don't ever be discouraged. My knowledge of birds is abysmal, as that Hogans Heroes TV character Schultz would say, "I know nussink"! But that is why I am here too. To learn and share, and be able to return that too, one day. There aren't any good or bad or woeful anythings here, just a great community of like-minded people. So keep sharing! I too am no help with ID , sorry, beautiful bird though!
West Coast Tasmania
Yes I wish I could take photos as good as the people on this site as well.
That looks like a juvenile Yellow Oriole as Lorne said but I'm wondering about the dark beak?
I can't think what else it could be. Yes, the dark beak is odd. Some of the field guides show darkness in the beak more than others; the total black in the beak shown here isn't really shown. Lorne
Thanks everyone for your encouraging remarks. I do believe I'm getting better now!