Nankeen Kestrel

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sharpie854's picture
Nankeen Kestrel

Was watching yesterday I presume a mated pair of Nankeen Kestrels in my area, I love these birds for their colour & markings, sadly today I think I found one dead on the roadside, I did'nt see the otherone.  I picked it up cos I could'nt bare for it to be laying out there on the road, however I thought later I would have liked to have brought it home to study it a bit more, was it male or female or juvenile? Is that ok if I do that?       

darinnightowl's picture

Sure is ,I stop all the time to check road kill you will never no what you can learn.Some times I will put them in my freezer just to keep a bird longer .

See it!  Hear it!

Mid-North Coast NSW

Woko's picture

I'm not sure of the situation now, sharpie, but the SA Museum liked people to collect road-killed birds (probably car-, truck- & bus-killed ones, too), stick them in a plastic bag, plonk the bag in the freezer & at the first available opportunity drop the bag & bird into the Museum.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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