Nankeen Kestrel

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laza's picture
Nankeen Kestrel

Had the pleasure on tonights beach walk down at Bunbury to come across Nankeen kestrel successful hunt

shoop's picture

Do Kestrels often eat their prey on the ground ? I thought they would carry it to a higher place up in a tree maybe ?

Bet you were wrapped to get these great shots Laza. Nature feeding nature.

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

laza's picture

Interesting question Shoop, this Kestrel's hunting area is along the dunes on southern Bunbury beaches. When Kestrel got the kill originally he/she flew up to a dune but then decided to bring the rodent down  to the beach to devour.

Im guessing it was harder to exert pressure with talons in  the soft dune sand and they find easier to pull the prey apart on the more solid beach sand .

Yes I was very rapted, normally when I take my camera on evening beach walk i see nothing

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

rawshorty's picture

Great shots, Laza. I must say i have only seen them eat "on the wing" and on trees. Very interesting to see one eat on the beach.

Shorty......Canon gear


Annie W
Annie W's picture

Great that you had your camera with you then laza - imagine if you'd left it home this one time because you generally don't see much....that would be just my luck to do that! laugh  Wonderful shots and beautiful evening lighting too, makes them all the more "golden".

West Coast Tasmania

laza's picture

Thanks guys and yes Ruby I learnt the hard way on previous  Saturday. When I walked along the same stretch and only had my iphone to get a capture of rare visitor to my area

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Oh noooo crying.  Missed opportunities are always going to be there though aren't they, damn it!  I was driving to a friends place this morning, spied a Wedge Tail only about 10 metres up on the other side of the road being bombed by Lapwings.  Had my camera in the boot and....wouldn't you know it, two trucks right up the back of me.  Aaaarrgh.  By the time I'd pulled over safely & turned around, he was way up & way over.  *sigh*  Still, the seeing was fun smiley.

West Coast Tasmania

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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