Nankeen Kestrel

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Rick N
Rick N's picture
Nankeen Kestrel

Photos taken two weeks ago just South of Adelaide near the Myponga Resevoir.

It took quite some time and lots of waiting to get some decent shots, so by the time I was ready to pack up my concentration was maybe not 100%.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed an approaching bird, but put it down to a Raven and continued to get myself sorted for the walk back to the car. Glanced up just in time to get one shot of a beautiful Wedge Tail!!

Moral of the story, sometimes life sucks laughThis bird seems to have some sort of tag?

saturnv78's picture

Great shots! Equipment used?

sparrow's picture

Yes nice shots ,Wedge Tails they just seem to appear from nowhere its amazing something so big and dark can be so hard to spot untill their right on you ,the amount of shots I've missed because I was distracted makes me shake my head in disblief.

mitzy646's picture

Nice shots, you must have had the ISO cranked up & aperture wide open to get this fast paced series?  Like Saturnv78 it would be nice to hear what you used without giving away any trade secrets!!

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Thanks all,

Just got back from a drive to try and find the Kestrels again but no luck.

Camera is D600, lens Sigma 150-500. (still to do a small report on it, as I have only had it for a short time.)

All shots except 5&7 -  iso640,500mm,f7.1,1/1600

Five - 640,450,f9,1/2000

Seven - 640,500,f8,1/1600

Birds, especially the Eagle, were a long way away so a fair bit of cropping.


Great shots ... Glad you hadn't packed up and missed the eagle.

Fantastic the way the kestral tail feathers are spread out in the third shot.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Sensational shots Rick, love the second take-off flight especially.  Looks like you had some nice light too.  These are a beautiful inspiration for me to get out and practice practice practice - I'm just not fast enough yet to change my settings manually to get the ss up for bif, or to get them in focus actually (that helps too, haha) always seem to be set for branched birdies laugh.  Really envy you guys who get such wonderful flight shots. yes

West Coast Tasmania

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Thanks Annie J,

The light was good, nice and bright but also in the right place.

Lots of practice is definately the way to go and lots of perseverence smiley

It's also lots of fun, and important, to work out how the birds act and react so as to be able to

try and anticipate their actions. I am quite new to it but learning every day.


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