Today I walked my dog to one of the local ovals and saw a nankeen kestrel on the goal posts and and a black-shouldered kite on the lights. The sky was blue and the sun was in a good place, so I went back and got my camera and they were both still there 30 minutes later! My favourite shows the patterns on the nankeen kestrel's wing feathers. I was wondering what they would find to eat on a mown oval - the answer is grubs!
Great shots Birdgirl, you certainly have great luck in finding them. I also love the details on the feathers. You certainly would love the WTP in Melbourne. We have one ssection we call BOP alley you would have a ball down there.
I might never want to leave!
Nice shots :)
Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
Great pics. I too love that second pic showing the pattern of the feathers.
Brisbane southside.
KIm we can spend up to 10 hours at the WTP, we leave home at about 6 get there at about 7.30 and just meander around.We stop and get brekky and a coffee on the way as we always pack a lunch, we have a little gas cooker as well so if its cold we can have a cuppa or soup. It is a wonderful place.
Sounds great. I'll talk to you about a permit if I'm heading down that way
Let me know before you come, you just have to find someone like Cath&Shane, Owen or me, that has a key, you can go as a guest.
Ok shall do. We should arrange to all meet at the same time. Don't knwo when it will happen though - I'm a fair way away
Hi Cath and Shane,
Which gate is the 'BOP alley' you refer to? We just got back from the WTP today (our first visit) and found it to be a great spot!
Hi wweaus, gate 5 (paradise road) is the place Cath was referring to.
Thanks Cath and Shane :)
We missed gate 5 but will head there next time. We found gate 4 to be really enjoyable :)