Hi, yesterday I noticed this quite strong movement in the bushes. The next thing I see this black bird come running out across the garden. It was about the size of a normal Blackbird but a bit taller and more sreamlined. It also had a frilly looking head and a white band around it's neck or head as well. What really got me though was the speed it ran across and through the garden. It was quite unbelievable, rather amazing running speed for a bird. Hence why I can't really give you guys a better discription. Any clues, I might have seen it before a long time ago but it's one of those birds that is visually very rare. Thanks for reading.
A location might be useful to rule in or out some species.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Yes, sorry. Cockatoo, Vic.
I realy have no clue, I have many mystery birds my self.
for example, a large stalk like bird with brown wings and very very short tail.
Wimmera mally region, Vic.
You know what, I was thinking about the road runner cartoon and saw some real life road-runners and that is very similar to what the bird I saw looked like. I've attached a pic, except it was all black and had the white band up the top in the neck or head region. It also had those frilly feathers on the top of it's head like the pic does. So my only conclusion is that it's some kind of Aussie road runner. Thoughts ??
Eastern Whipbird?
I would suggest a whipbird too.
They are not often seen, but they are striking in appearance when seen. They have a crest; I haven't seen them run, but they are quite an unusual bird and it wouldn't surprise me.
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Have you ever hared a strange bird call?
whip birds have a very unique call.
Wimmera mally region, Vic.
Thanks for all your input people. I'll check out the Eastern Whipbird on Google some more. Cheers.