Nest building

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Nest building

I was in the bush today 14/09/13 along the Couranga Track at Waterfall and came across some very creative nest builders. Thornbills I think. This nest was hanging free from the bottom of a tree branch and blowing to and fro with the breeze. I took some pics of the nest when I heard a bit of birdy activity nearby and just to the right of my head (approx 300mm) the little pair landed in a branch twittering to each other. I was leaning against the tree. Then one darted over to the branches near the nest and popped into the nest and dropped off a load of nesty material. The other one noticed me moving and sat there looking at me with what seemed like mild curiosity. The nest builder came back out of the nest and flew right toward me and its mate. They didn't seem fussed that I was there watching. They then flew off. After about another five minutes they announced their return by making their little sing song and once again dropped off some material. This went on for three or more times then one went inside for a longer period (about 20 sec) and the nest was moving about with more strenuous activiy inside. Then out the busy one popped and off they went again. I couldn't tell whether they were taking turns building but they both went off together and came back together many times while I watched them. By this time I had moved to a higher vantage point between two burnt tree trunks (luckily I was wearing black on the top half) I stayed with them for about 30-45 minutes. They made a lot of noise when I went away. Maybe they wanted me to do a shoot for birdy home beautiful.  

Araminta's picture

What a wonderful experience, I wish I was there. Just beautiful Richardyes


pacman's picture

i believe that you have a Brown Gerygone



Ah yes. I had forgotten about them. Thanks for that I wasn't comfortable with a Thornbill description.

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Amazing richman, I can see why you observed them for so long, I would have been mesmerised too.  Such amazing structures nests - look at that camo lichen dabbed here & there, such incredible clever little creatures birds.  Brilliant shots - love them all but that second one should definitely go on the cover of Birdy Home Beautiful next monthwinksmiley  Thanks so much for sharing!

West Coast Tasmania

Woko's picture

That looks very much like the brown gerygone nest depicted on p. 390 in Morcombe's Field Guide to Australian Birds so I reckon you're spot on, Peter.

pacman's picture

I should have included a pic to support my ID of Brown Gerygone


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