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mossflower's picture
New member

Hi to everyone.  I often sit on my verandah for morning cuppa and listen to the birds - so many in spring, so noisy but wonderful.  My backyard is on a creek with many Swamp Sheoaks and opposite is a scrub wetland so I am very lucky.  In spring they are too busy for me to really look at them so I am concentrating on their vocals. 

Anyway just saw a brilliant Scarlet Honeyeater feeding on the red bottlebrush next door.  Red amongst the red.  My first time for that species!   I am so excited.

Woko's picture

Do you have a pair of binoculars, mossflower? And welcome!

mossflower's picture

Oh yes Woko, I have a 80x40 8.2".   I have had a pair always for 50 years.  But I am enjoying my age of slow down and observe more and I love it.

Woko's picture

There's a lot that's missed while rushing about, that's for sure.

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