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News It's amazing to think what humans are doing to the world, sometimes I wish that we could knock down all the buildings and live off our own wits...


It's an absolute disgrace what has happened. It angered us when we saw the birds on the news over the weekend that so called "civilised human beings" cause so much damage to birds and marine life.

birdie's picture

Hey Amateur
We must all be thinking alike. I posted the same issue under rescue thread.
It defies belief that humans are exploiting the world and its wildlife to such extents without adequate thought for the "what if"s.

Same up North here in Queensland where the wild rivers legislation has just added the Wenlock River to it's protections zones. Immediately the mining companies are whining and threatening about job losses for the Aboriginal communities etc.I thought that with the deep attachment to the land and it's significance in Aboriginal culture then they would be happy to see it protected.
This mining thing is really scary, when you think of how much of the land they could declare of interest to the mining industry if they wanted to.

Surely enough is enough , we can invent new forms of energy and employment but we can never replace extinct species and rainforest devastation.



Sunshine Coast Queensland

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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