I have watched "my wrens" (?) all day. They are unbelievable, they come to my window and sing to me. When I take the camera, they don't fly off, they let me almost get too close, about one arms length. The photos are neither cropped, nor are the sharpened. I was that close.
I followed them everywhere , but they are not feeding anymore. Something went wrong here?
But there is a lot more time to have a new lot.
Here they are, for the last time, unless good things happen to them.
Looks like a predator got to them, M-L. So sad. There are very few babies around here this year due to so many crows now breeding in the area and raiding the nests of other birds. I hate to say it, but I really hate so many crows moving into our area. I see them everywhere we go now. I know magpies and butcher birds do the same but there are far fewer of these so they don't clean out the babies each season.
Brisbane southside.
Hi Araminta. Is it the young or the adult superb fairy-wrens that aren't feeding any more? Or both? If you don't have them under constant observation how do you know that they aren't feeding?
If it's the young which aren't feeding
- are they now "considered" by the parents to be mature enough to fend for themselves?
- are they feeding without you knowing about it?
If it's the adults which aren't feeding I wonder if this is because something has happened to the rather complex social structure that exists among superb fairy-wren groups.
Karen, it's certainly upsetting to see a dominant species having such an negative effect on other species in your area. Usually a dominance of crows/ravens is an indicator that there's something dysfunctional about the habitat. Is there enough native understorey or middlestorey to support smaller birds in your area? Or does the habitat consist of scattered tall trees? Perhaps your "hate" might be productively directed at ensuring that the natural habitat in your area is as close as possible to what once supported a full natural complement of wildlife. That would put the crows back in their place.
Woko, most of the properties here are housing commission, and are destined to go under the bull dozers so the land can be used to build ghettos for the less fortunate in our society. So all local growth is gradually being destroyed at every level. There's no saving this area, I'm afraid. It is a shame because we have such a diverse bird life around here, but it is slowly being pushed out.
Brisbane southside.
Hi Woko, I saw the female wren feeding the very vocal young all day Friday, they were still in the nest. (she was feeding non stop, so they must have been close to coming out). He was not helping. I followed the mother almost for three days now. I know where they are and what they are doing, she is not gathering any food, and even if the young would be sitting somewhere , they would be looked after for some time. Last year I took photos of them for a week.
I haven't given up hope to find them yet. ( I'm not that kind of person), I'd still be looking for them.
Karen, we do have 5 or even more Kookaburras at the moment, hanging out in the same area as the nest was. Hmm,??
Hmmmm. Is it possible a cuckoo has turfed the young fairy-wrens out & laid an egg in the nest? However, if this is the case one would think that the adult fairy-wren would be incubating the egg rather than hanging around not gathering food. I don't wish to alarm you but it's not looking good, is it?
Very interesting Woko, I have several Fantailed Cuckoos hanging around. Strangely enough all the little birds know what they are doing, as they get very upset and make loud warning calls. And I followed the female wren yesterday, and I think she sits on the nest again. Could be she has new eggs of her own, or would the cuckoo chicks hatch later than the wren chicks??? Do you know?
As far as I know, Araminta, the cuckoo egg would be the only egg in the nest if the cuckoo has used the nest. The superb fairy-wren eggs/young would be ejected by the cuckoo. So the fairy-wren might be incubating a cuckoo egg. Time will tell.
Hi M-L
Loved seeing your wrens, how are they progressing. Hope everything is good.
Thanks Headsie, they are still together, he is now much better on his one leg. No new nest yet, I think it's a wise move, the Wattlebirds are constantly harrassing them.
Here he is two days ago. I'm glad you like them .