It's funny, every time I go for a walk in the park, I could stay in one spot and tell people that say: o look , aren't those Baby Ducks cute, sorry, they aren't ducks, they are Australasian Grebe.
Sometimes I think there should be a sign stuck to them, I'm not a duck, I'm a grebe.
None of them is in breeding colours yet, can't be long before we will get some Baby Ducks? Sorry, Baby Grebe
So whats the difference between a duck & a Grebe? My wife always calls Tawny Frogmouths owls & I always correct her & say they are Nightjars lol. No that I know the difference. Just read up on it.
Yes! When I was nine and went walking in the local park they were there. I was absolutely positive that we had baby swans at our parkThat was until I was able to see one up close, I then realised that they definetly weren't swans
Lovely photo!
The difference is in the feet.
The feet of Grebe are pushed to the far back of the body. They are adorned with bizarre webbing, not between thetoes like a Duck's feet, but on each individual toe, with the skin resembling a plane's flaps. These toes can propele the Grebe under water , at great speed and over great distances.
Ducks have webbed feet.
(I will post a photo in a minute, just have to find it)
I should sort my photos again, saw it yesterday, but can't find the one I'm looking for right now. Here is a young coot, they have the same kind of feet. I hope you can see the difference.
Like those feet of mother and baby coot.