Not sure??

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cassie.c87's picture
Not sure??

I took this picture this morning in my back yard (Logan SEQ) in a tree that normally has silvereye and figbirds, at first I thought i was a female fig bird but the red eyes are all wrong  

Araminta's picture

Not sure either, but could it be an immature Olive-backed Oriole?

There is a green sheen to it and the beak seems to turn red.


Lachlan's picture

It's an Olive Backed Oriole, Cassie. I think it's a female too, as it seems to have a dull bill. 

They frequently eat similar stuff to figbirds and slivereyes too. Especially exotic berries when they're flowering.

Good sighting!

cassie.c87's picture

I think your right M-L! I have never seen them before smiley

cassie.c87's picture

Thank you Lachlan. this is the second time I have seen a new bird in my back yard, might also be a bonus since I added extra bird baths.

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