Not sure about this one....

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Bromo's picture
Not sure about this one....

Not sure about this little fella?  The rings around the eyes should be a dead giveaway but I cant seem to pick it.  Any ideas?  Thansk for your suggestions :)

Beef's picture

Pretty sure that is a varied sittella. Maybe orangr winged?

Bromo's picture

Thankyou very much!  I believe you are correct in saying its an Orange-winged Sittella.  I must of gone right passed it in my ID book.  I can see a small bit of an orangy colour on part of its wing in teh picture and the rest of it certainly matches up to other pics in the book I have.  Thankyou!

Beef's picture

you can usually tell a sitella by it's behavior of workin the tree downwards vertically rather than the more conventional acending technique as prefered by the likes of the treecreepers.

Araminta's picture

I have not seen one before, thanks Bromo. And what a nice photo it is too.


Bromo's picture

Thanks Beef, I will keep that in mind :)

Araminta, I have been quite suprised with a recent visit to the bush just near where I live with quite a few species I certainly didnt expect like the Noisy Friarbird, Slender-Billed White-Eye, Yellow Tuft Honeyeater and Spotted Pardalote.  Really kinda cool :)

Woko's picture

Scrutinising the bush with an intense scrut can turn up all sorts of amazing things! It's amazing what's out there.

sue818's picture

Great shot. So clear and crisp. I was hoping to get pictures of young Sitellas when we were shown their nest but found it down a few days later. Have not had much luck seeing them since then. sue

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