Taken in Samford SE Queensland. Tempted to say Grey Shrike-Thrush but was smaller and the crown didn't seem right?
Certainly a Grey Shrike-thrush and by the looks, could be male. The way it's body is held is probably tricking you.
Great photo!
Thanks Owl.
Samford Valley Qld.
Don't overthink it man, Crested Grey Shrike Thrush Ok I have been drinking
It has the pose of a whipbird, so I'd say it's a crested grey whip thrush.
soakes Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Good idea.
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Certainly a Grey Shrike-thrush and by the looks, could be male. The way it's body is held is probably tricking you.
Great photo!
Thanks Owl.
Samford Valley Qld.
Don't overthink it man, Crested Grey Shrike Thrush Ok I have been drinking
It has the pose of a whipbird, so I'd say it's a crested grey whip thrush.
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Samford Valley Qld.
Good idea.
Olinda, Victoria, Australia