After the atrocious weather on Friday that soaked Brisbane communities with up to 100 millimetres of rain in an hour, catching people off guard and causing dangerous traffic conditions, there were no plans to do anything to-day. But it turned out to be a gorgeous day and since it was to wet to mow I took a drive to Nudgee beach.
Nudgee beach is not somewhere I would expect to find Rainbow Lorikeets but I did and they were busy attending to a hollow that I suspect is going to be home soon.
Fantastic photos Reflex - great work
Brilliant colours.
They look very proud of the new home.
Lovely shots! Good job The colours are so brilliant, so nice to see aft er the dark and gloomy days we've had
Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful shots Reflex, looks like a great day shooting.
Now that has brightened up my day, quite literally - lovely group of shots Reflex. It's funny isn't it, a bird I admire greatly elsewhere, yet it is listed as invasive here and I've reported a few sightings this year already. Still, they don't know they're naughty being here, doesn't take away from their stunning beauty either.
West Coast Tasmania
Not really a fan of these but you have captured them very well.