Olive Wingtips in Ipswich

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meds's picture
Olive Wingtips in Ipswich

Had this visitor to my yeard yesterday.  Have looked in my books and asked a few people, but can't find out what it is.  It's about the same size as a silver eye or finch....not sure if it was feeding in the jacaranda flowers, or finding insects.  Couldn't get a decent photo & this is my best attempt..... This is in Ipswich, Queensland.

Hope you can help me give it a name.....will be embarrassed if it turns out to be something I should of known :)


---'s picture

Brown honeyeater maybe?

meds's picture

Ah....could be.  Looks a bit like the 2nd photo on http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/species/Lichmera-indistincta

The only thing that I would query is the size.  Will have a look in my books tonight.  Thanks for the tip.

pacman's picture

+1 for Brown Honeyeater

I believe that I can see the yellow triangle behind the eye, though the body colour is not usual


meds's picture

Thanks guys.  I think you are right.  I had a look through the other (equally poor) photos I took which didn't really give any thing extra.  I agree the yellow behind the eye is probably the clincher here.  I looked in my books and still wouldn't of been able to identify it from the pictures lol.....

Araminta's picture

I just want to throw in one other idea, juvenile birds of any kind most of the time look completely different to the adults. To me this looks like a juvenile?

(just to give you an example, (not related to this one!), A young Yellow Robin looks nothing like the adult, it is dark brown , spotty, no yellow to be seen. A red-firetail baby has no red tail or beak.... Just an idea)


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