Noticed a lot of activity in a small flowering gum last week near my house, so stopped for a look.
First bird I noticed was a Little Wattlebird which is quite uncommon around here so quickly went home for the camera Definite pecking order as the different species feed,with LWB being top of the heap.
Its great to see one small tree have such a variety of birds in it.
I found one last year that had a variety of Honeyeaters as well.
It had Scarlet, Dusky, New Holland and Noisy Minors visit it.
Great photos as usual too Rick.
Nice photos Rick. We have a Heart Leaf Penstemon shrub in the neighbourhood which is a magnet for Little Wattlebirds.
Great shots Rick
Just lovely Rick. The birds, the photos and the tree - all quite splendid.
Must have missed this one. Great find! Those LWB can be very protective of a tree or bush when it's in flower and just as noisy.
Samford Valley Qld.