Only important for a few hours

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Only important for a few hours

Thought if some of you were interested, for a couple of hours tonight Sean Dooley is on 702 ABC, so if some of you are still up you might want to listen in or maybe even give him a call :) Should've posted this yesterday but I forgot, sorry.


Change that to only important for a few minutes, he's already off...

Holly's picture

What a shame Sean only got a few minutes. He is a member of the Birds Australia family - editing our Wingspan magazine.

Very knowledgeble and very funny guy.


Well, he actually had about an hour, but by the time I decided to pull myself out of bed, turn on the computer and pull up BiBY it was only a few minutes left. Though I was happy that there was a problem brought up with something I had notiiced recently. Recently at a cricket match I saw a juv. magpie with strange growths on it's foot, it appeared to affect it's landing and apparently it was because of a lack of protein (or iron?) in the diet which I found quite interesting. Yes, he is very funny as well, I laughed out loud a few times during his time on.


You know, this seems quite similar to Hunaniac's Ottowa escorts, infact, it's almost the same. I'd even go out on a limb and say you are the same person as Huaniac what about you go and get a life and leave the forum alone, okay?

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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