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Karen's picture

Today we took a drive around the Port of Brisbane.  We saw a few birds but photography was almost out of the question.  Some kind of Tattler, Black Winged Stilts, Cormorants, Pelicans, Water Hens, Grebes, Ducks, Swans, Ibis, Egrets.  It was amazing, so much wild life.  But you really need a good camera to get the pics.

Araminta's picture

Oh, the Pelican marching side by side  with the Silver Gull is fantastic.

(The last one is a poster, right?) Or did you share Oysters with a Swan? You must have had a great day out?

I hope to go somewhere nice tomorrow, as today was my husband's day out with the horses.


Karen's picture

Actually, I'd never been that close to a pelican before, and I don't think he'd been that close to a human either.  He flew into the water a few seconds after I took that pic.  But so lovely to see him close up.  In this pic he'd just found something left behind by the fishermen and was trying to swallow it.

Yes, Barry got a pic of the poster, and I had to share it, I loved it.  No lunch at the Port.  Everything there is closed on Sundays.  Not even a coffee shop around.  Hope you get out tomorrow and see more birds.  You take such lovely photos, its always a pleasure to see them.

Brisbane southside.

Araminta's picture

Thanks Karen, the Pelican photo is great, what is the square thing he is eating? A tin of sardines? LOL

Your camera can't be too bad, if it takes photos that good and sharp?


Karen's picture

My camera is a good one for snaps, but what it does is limited.  Like zooming.  Its a digital zoom which is not so good for things like bird watching.  I didn't see what the pelican picked up, just saw him trying to swallow it.  A lot of people fishing on the banks, and tinnies coming in with their catch, could have been anything.  It didn't look like a tin though.

Brisbane southside.

Birdgirl2009's picture

It doesn't matter how good the camera is the main thing is sharing your experience. There are plenty of forums for professionals

Karen's picture

Yes, true, thank you.  That's what I like about this forum.  It isn't a photo competition, it's just showing what birds live where.

Brisbane southside.


Nice shots Karen, love the Pelican with the Gull, i see they are walking in step as well!

Karen's picture

Yes, nicely choreographed for the picture :).  I took quite a few snaps of the pelican, but this was my favourite.

Just a footnote, I think in the lower pic, the pelican found a fish head.  There was a lot of debris lying around from people cleaning fish, and the smell was awful.

Brisbane southside.

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