Pale Headed Rosella

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rbuddy's picture
Pale Headed Rosella

Pale headed Rosella enjoying the berries in a native rough leaf Elm.


lovely shot .... thats a beautiful bird.

Araminta's picture

Beautiful colours. I have not seen one yet.I'm always amazed what kind of colour combinations nature comes up with. So, does that point to the fact that the Pale -headed Rosella mainly lives and feeds in trees that have those colours , so they are well camouflaged? Like the Crimson and King Parrot in my area feeds on seeds of red and green shrubs?

Is the tree he's sitting in indeginous to your region? It carries a lot of fruit and seeds.


BabyBirdwatcher's picture

Wonderful shot, Absolutely love the coloursof the rosella, the contrast of the tree and the eye contact

Well done!smiley


windshear's picture

Beautiful birdies. :) Wonderful you managed to catch one so at ease.

rbuddy's picture

Hi Araminta

I've seen the Rosellas in all different coloured Grevilleas so it would seem the colour coding doesn't apply.  They are wary, making them hard to photograph but they have started coming to our bird feeder so we have a chance now to really enjoy them.

 I'm fairly certain the tree is indigenous to this area.

rbuddy's picture

Thanks everyone.

Araminta's picture

I was so hoping there was some scientific reasoning behind the colouring of Rosellassurprise, so I'll just take it that nature is just beautifulyes


Annie W
Annie W's picture

Beautiful shot of a beautiful bird rbuddy, seems yet another bird loving your Native Rough Leaf Elm too yes - must be wonderful to have these Rosellas regularly visit your garden.

West Coast Tasmania

timmo's picture

Nice one, (r)buddy!


Woko's picture

Roughly where are you, rbuddy? I note that Rough Leaved Elm Aphananthe philippinensis is native to "from Manning River, NSW to Herberton, Nth QLD, also New Guinea and Melanesia" (Brisbane Rainforest Action and Information Network).

I trust that you're aware of the risk to Pale-headed Rosellas of acquiring beak & feather disease from using bird feeders. That Pale-headed Rosella is probably far healthier feeding in the Rough Leaved Elm, I'd suggest.

rbuddy's picture

Do you have any references or general info about the beak disease Woko?

Woko's picture

I posted this tonight on a different thread. It's from

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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