Pallid Cuckoo?

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mfretwell's picture
Pallid Cuckoo?

This bird is a new one to me. Taken near Bright, Victoria a fortnight ago. My best guess is that it is a Pallid Cuckoo. Confirmation would be appreciated thanks. Regards, Mike from SA

Woko's picture

I think that's a female satin bowerbird, Mike.

Araminta's picture

I think it's a female Satin Bowerbird, like Woko said.

Have you seen one like this? It's a male Satin Bowerbird.

(wait for the photo)


mfretwell's picture

And I thought bower birds were attractive!  Thanks for the ID Woko and Araminta - I live and learn!! Mike

Owen1's picture

Was that Satin taken at your place M-L? That would be awesome having them around.

Cheers, Owen.

mfretwell's picture

Hi Owen, No Iwas holidaying at Bright and these photos were taken on the outskirts along Morses Crek. regards

andreas's picture

Good day Guys, Yep female satin bower bird. With tempreture getting colder in the low hills and mountains, the bower birds move down to the low lands. They love blue objects if you have them in the garden place some blue objects out and secretly observe.

Araminta's picture

Hi Owen, the Satin Bower Bird was taken at a friend's place in Upper Beaconsfield. I wish I had some at my place.


pacman's picture

here's a Satin Bowerbird hen a bit closer then yours, taken at North Tamborine, Qld on 21/4/11

I actually like their colouring, particularly the scalloping on the body


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