Pelican and Jellyfish

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birdie's picture
Pelican and Jellyfish

Today I was trialling a 100ml Macro lens and while looking for flora to shoot I came across this adorable Pelican.  There was an extras high tide on the river and he made a beeline for a rock for some reason..... I was curious to see what had caught his eye and this is what I found....

At first I didn't realise what it was but then  after the pelican decided it was not ideal for a snack the tide floated it closer to shore and revealed one of the biggest jellyfish I have ever seen...

My macro shots were appalling but the lens was beautiful for other things

kathiemt's picture

Well, that's not something you'd see every day is it? I love how we can go out birding and see things that others would miss.

Selby, Victoria


What beautiful shots. 2nd shot is great for a moment there i thought he was going to eat it, i think i would have passed on lunch as well after discovering what it was. Im bet your macro shots were just as grand as the rest of your shots, your just too harsh like the rest of us criticising our own work.

Araminta's picture

Beautiful photos Adrienne.


birdie's picture

Thanks everyone...and Cath, no , you are wrong, my macro shots were mostly trash .... never used a real macro lens before and  most of them were just blurry messes.  My fault entirely as the lens is beautiful.

I was walking along the road kind of in time with this pelican when he started heading into shore so I had the camera ready as I thought he was going to fly... got him taking off eventually but this action came first.... I was glad I had the camera ready to shoot as it was very quick.

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Nice shots Birdie.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Great series birdie. I agree with Kathie - sometimes I feel amazed that I am the only person noticing some interesting bird behaviour

Birdgirl2009's picture

Great series birdie. I agree with Kathie - sometimes I feel amazed that I am the only person noticing some interesting bird behaviour

kathiemt's picture

Absolutely. I can be at Lysterfield Lake Park photographing a bird, a wallaby, an echidna and people will run or ride by totally oblivious to what I'm watching. One day I was on the 1000 steps at Upper Ferntree Gully photographing a Lyrebird and a young guy (early 20s) stopped running down the steps and said 'what are you looking at?' I pointed and showed him saying a 'lyrebird' and he said 'oh, a bird' and continued running.

Selby, Victoria

birdie's picture

Ha ha ha  Kathie.... the "Oh a bird" comment....I think we all must get that. I get it all the time with joggers and walkers and many who just never look up . Today I was sitting under some trees surrounded by Yelow Tailed Black Cockatoos above me and only one lot of people stopped to see what I was doing.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Araminta's picture

Last weekend when I shot the Silver Gulls mating, there was a group of several people standing next to me. I told them, have a look, they are mating. One of them replied, o, is that what they are doing? If you have seen the photos, you would think it was quite obviousblush They thought they were just fightingsurprise


clif2's picture

Great series of photos Adrienne, I really thought the pelican was going to eat it.



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