Peregrine Falcon?

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a's picture
Peregrine Falcon?

Driving alongside Morphettville racecourse yesterday morning I had  split-second gimpse of a dark grey raptore at tree-top height. The shape and colouring immediately said "Peregrine". Any other local sightings of this bird known?

Woko's picture

That rings a vague bell, kimjanlk. Ms Woko & I used to visit her mother near Morphettville Racecourse & your post faintly reminds me that I saw a Peregrine Falcon there about 4 years ago. The high stand would make a good nesting site.

kimjanlk@chario...'s picture

Thanks for the reply. I have only seen a Peregrine once before and that was in the Barossa. It's Proably dangerous to try to ID birds while driving!

Woko's picture

They are about but not usually in suburban areas. Occasionally, they'll inhabit inner cities (e.g., Melbourne), using tall buildings as nesting sites.

Windhover's picture

It's hard to say without a photo, a bad one even.

ScottTas's picture

Stalk the area for another glimpse / photo I say! I see Peregrines regularly hunting over suburban Hobart so it's definitely a possibility I would think... but of course there are always other options too... Try for another sighting :)



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