Yesterday what I thought was a Little falcon flew over me. Now I've looked at the photos, I'm wondering if it could be a juvenile Peregrine falcon. I've never seen one in the area , but there are so many other BOP I wouldn't be surprised if one lived here as well
Just as I was about to leave, I noticed a swamp harrier in the distance.
Earlier in the morning I was watching a Black-shouldered kite, but it didn't come as close as I hoped.
And finally, a Whistling kite flying past the moon
Yes Peregrine, a good shot too. You always turn up with a few BOP.
Cheers, Owen.
Owen thanks, that's incredibly exciting news to me as I haven't seen one before. It just flew from behind me; I looked up and there it was. Now of course, I'll be out trying to find it again!
Thanks Kim for pointing this out to me, I did miss it. The Peregrine Falcon is so sharp, you can see every detail on him, every spot and the ring around his eye. I can never see enough of your BOP photos, I want more....
Great birds and photos Birdgirl.
Have to agree with what's been said. How wonderful to capture these birds so well.
Brisbane southside.
I agree re the peregrine, nice find! Glad I'm not the only person addicted to seeing them :) Seriously, for the past few months, any day that's peregrine'less seems like a waste!! Down here they seem to favour areas where starlings are gathering into flocks to fly off to roosts before dusk, and also at their roosts. eg - one site between my house and work is a group of 3 large pine trees the starling group in, before flying off in groups of 30-60 to the Tasman Bridge that they roost under in the 1000s if not tens of thousands. I pulled over on the way home from work last week to watch the peregrine fly off several times and make dives, before returning to the trees. If you have starlings around, it might pay to look for where they congregate?? O'wise I fear it's just pot luck! Hope you find him / her again soon (if you see a pair, the males are much smaller than the females - you'll quickly learn to tell the sex when you see them individually after that).
O Scott, that is very serious, that is one incurable addiction, unless you can replace it with another bird,it will almost be with you for the rest of your life.
As usual, beautiful Birdgirl, well done and thx heaps for sharing my favourite bird the Peregrine.
Thanks everyone. Scott, I understand perfectly!!
More great BOP sightings Kim usual they are great shots. One day I am going to get out with you and see some of these . Love the peregrine ...have never seen one
Sunshine Coast Queensland
They are great BOP shots again birdgirl.
The action shot of the Black-shouldered Kite looking ready to plunge is very cool.
Birdie, I suspect the Sunny (Rainy?) Coast has a great variety of places to see BOPs (as evidenced by many of your osprey shots in the past0, but if you're looking to get further afield, Gold's Scrub at Lake Samsonvale is a great spot to see birds of prey and waterbirds.
I was out there yesterday and saw several Whistling kites, as well as a Nankeen Kestrel (I think) and perhaps others that I couldn't quite ID. It's a different game identifying BOPs to your little nearby songbirds isn't it? It takes a good set of binoculars or camera and a different set of criteria for IDs.
Timmo there are probably heaps of them here but I haven't been out and about much for the last year or so. My photography has gone right off too, nothing is ever sharp ( as sharp as it can be anyway with what I am using) so I think I am not as steady as I used to be. I saw a couple of BSKs a week or two ago but I was travelling on the motorway at the time LOL
Had a wonderful sighting of a Brahminy and an Osprey while at the cliffs near caloundra the other day..... just awesome to see both of them gliding in the same frame above me adn to watch the osprey catch a fish and do a few fly pasts with it. As usual I only had the iphone to catch it on and the sound of me screeching with joy on the video is embarrassing to say the least Ha ha .
One day when I am up to it I will have to go further afield ..... and take Andy with me as her eyes are infinitely beetter at spotting than mine .
Sunshine Coast Queensland