Pied Currawongs with baldness

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unclaimedtreasures96's picture
Pied Currawongs with baldness

Hi everyone, I hope someone out there can help me.  We have a number of Pied Currawongs who visit our yard daily.  In the last 2-3 weeks they have all started to have bald patches begin on their heads.  These seem to get larger as the days go by. The currawongs plumage is also getting shabbier.  I don't know if it is from stress, heat or even beak and feather disease.  We are located in NW NSW where we are having very hot days (42 degrees) but I leave out plenty of water in the shade.

Any knowledge would be appreciated.  Thanks :)

Wollemi's picture

Beak and feather disease, to my understanding, is unique to parrots!

I am wondering if these birds are moulting or if they have mites? Or, it could be a dietary deficiency... perhaps calcium deficiency.

Sad for the poor things.

unclaimedtreasures96's picture

Thanks for your reply Wollemi.  I did do some research on BFD and realised I was barking up the wrong tree (silly me!!)  I hadn't consider the other suggestions you gave.  I will keep watch on my feathery friends and hopefully they will come good.

Thanks again, Deb

Night Parrot
Night Parrot's picture

That's certainly some bald patch and yes the plumage doesn't look healthy. I have no idea myself what it could be, but I have just raised a similar concern under the forum heading "Bird Rescue/rehabiliation" see thread on King Parrot. It its mites, and I hope it isn't, I have read that they concentrate around the head, eyes, beak and vent.

Raven's picture

Looks like poor Currawong has a severe louse/mite/flea infestation, or maybe a bird variant of scabies?  Never seen that before with the Currawong population around here...

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