I spent the day at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, ACT
I think that this is a Pink Robin, hen - happy to be corrected
Nah, I reckon young flame. Wing doesn't look right and has that pale crescent behind the eye.
Cheers, Owen.
I found a 2nd pic does this confirm your ID as Flame Robin?
Because of the buff wing marking I'm wondering if this is a juvenile flame robin.
Yes, no doubting Flame Robin now.
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Nah, I reckon young flame. Wing doesn't look right and has that pale crescent behind the eye.
Cheers, Owen.
I found a 2nd pic does this confirm your ID as Flame Robin?
Because of the buff wing marking I'm wondering if this is a juvenile flame robin.
Yes, no doubting Flame Robin now.
Cheers, Owen.