Powerful Owl 3

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dmp's picture
Powerful Owl 3

Just one owl from last night. Since he went to the trouble of positioning himself so well for me I thought it would be a crime not to do a little shopping.



ungb's picture

Nice shot, dmp. Thanks for sharing.

HelloBirdy's picture

Lovely with the moon in the background, although I have no idea how you managed to focus on both in tha last shot. Great work

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera


Excellent photos .... nice work on the full moon.

dmp's picture

Thanks for comments all.

HelloBirdy wrote:
Lovely with the moon in the background, although I have no idea how you managed to focus on both in tha last shot. Great work

Photoshop! One shot with the owl in focus, another shot with the moon in focus then merged the two shots. I just included the first shot to show that the moon was actually in that position. While I could 'shop' that moon into any photo this was more a workaround for the limitations of current camera technology.

Elsie's picture

Great photos! Nice job with photo shop smiley

Devster's picture

Great shot well done. He doesn't look all that impressed to have his photo taken.

dmp's picture

Thanks for comments all. I have decided that look is disdain :)

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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