Powerful Owl (juvenile) with its first possum(?)

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choosypix's picture
Powerful Owl (juvenile) with its first possum(?)

The first photo is a fledgling Powerful Owl on its first day out of the nesting hollow.

The other photos are the same owl (in almost the same spot) with its first known daytime possum.

There was no sign of the parents and the owl dined solo on the possum at dusk. He became spooked by something after eating for half an hour (another owl?) and flew away with the remnants.

Hopefully this gives a clue about the dependency period for P_owl offspring.



PS It has a bit of possum fur attached to its beak.

Reflex's picture

You certainly have had a great opportunity watching these chicks grow up Antonia. I bet they prefer a feed of possum to a white tea-towel.

Samford Valley Qld.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Lovely shots Antonia, talk about eye contact!

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Such an intense expression, could stare at those eyes for hours I think.  Another brilliant set, so glad you share these experiences here with us Antonia, as always most appreciated.

West Coast Tasmania

choosypix's picture

Many thanks, Reflex, Rick N and AnnieJ.

We have just posted some photos of the other two juveniles eaing a pair of shorts.

Can't imagine what will be next(!)

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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