Powerful Owl with prey ID required

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choosypix's picture
Powerful Owl with prey ID required

Hi to all,

We photographed this solo owl last night and wondered if anyone could help ID the prey it is holding?

Cheers and thanks,


Elsie's picture

Great photos there! I just love his expression, it looks like he's totally bored of having his photo takenlaugh 

I'd suggest that his prey could be a Magpie or perhaps a Currawong. It does look more like a Magpie to me though smiley Hope this helps!

Reflex's picture

They really are great photo's. Can't help you ID dinner though, I suspect Elsie is on the right track.

Samford Valley Qld.

choosypix's picture

Any chance it is a Grey Butcherbird?

Elsie's picture

It could be,  however I think that the size and colouring point more towards a Magpie smiley

choosypix's picture

Many thanks Elsie and Reflex.

We thought it might be a little small for a magpie

and sometimes see the butcherbirds terrorising the P_owls.


Woko's picture

Smaller than a Magpie? How about a Magpie-lark?

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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