Protecting birds - research on bird-friendly glass

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Protecting birds - research on bird-friendly glass


We are a Penn State student-faculty team exploring commercial opportunities for an anti-reflective coating technology. We are supported by the National Science Foundation to conduct customer discovery. One potential use case is a sprayable/paintable glass treatment that is visible to birds and invisible to humans to prevent bird collisions.

We are looking to connect with anyone involved in sustainability policy, window glass manufacturing, and building maintenance, but are also very interested in talking to homeowners, people who manage properties/buildings, or anyone who owns a few windows that birds may run into!

Would you be willing to speaking to us for a 15-min interview?
If so please click below to sign up for a time (interviews conducted from April 5 - April 30):
Thanks so much, and please feel free to share the link with friends!

About the team/lab:
About the technology:
About the program we're doing:

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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