This is one of the two male Superb Fairy Wrens that have raised 4 young just outside my windows. The little ones are grown up, look like the adults, but are still fed from time to time.
As far as I can tell, both males have started to change back into their non-breeding colours.
I’m a bit puzzled by that. Does that mean their breeding season is over? It’s far too early for that. Last year there were two more broods, it is only early in the summer. Does that indicate that we will have a very short summer?
Do the wrens know something we don’t?? Any thoughts on this?
Both the adult males that live in/near my garden are still all in blue... in fact, until I came here to BIBY, I had no idea that they changed!
As the males get older they hold there breeding colours longer eventually staying in colour all year round only by this age they might be past it as breeders ,first year males may only stay in colour for a short time but they still keep breeding their the rabbits of the bird world
Thanks sparrow, I think you are spot on That does explain why there were two males looking after the young. I did think male No2 started to change into breeding colours later than No1. I also think No2 is No1's son. You are also right about the "rabbit thing", all of them are into "it" right now, young and old.
Great photos Araminta , they always amaze me.