Today I went for a walk along Brighton Beach (Melbourne), when I noticed Two adult Black Swans with 7 Signets. Both parents had numbered tags around their necks. Do you think who ever is doing some research on them, might be interested in finding something out about them? I send some photos of the parents and some of the 7 young, could you pass the information on, or give me a contact? Here are some photos.
some of the signets
two of the very healthy looking young having a little fight
looking forward to find out about this family of Black Swans
Poor things.
I have mixed feelings about this sort of tagging.
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
I was a bit worried about the fact that the neck of the Swan looks rather swollen above the tag. Have a close look.
a bit tight ? maybe.
It looks as if the tag has only slipped under the feathers causing it ti balloon around the tag as it moves around.
The same thing with pelicans. They are tagging in Adelaide Zoo. I don't think that's good idea. There is unnatural and disturb birds..
Hmm I haven't heard about specifics but I will ask around and see if I can find out who is working on them. Thanks for letting me know ML!
Re the tagging - there are strict protocols that have to be undertaken when fitting items to birds (I radio tracked teeny tiny fairy-wrens). I know a couple of guys taggin cockatoos in the Sydney CBD and I can assure you the birds are not harmed in any way. This sort of tagging is often the most effective way to learn about the movements of our birds and to know what habitats they are using.
Ooh had a quick search - it might be a part of this project:
The website for the citizen science project is here:
Thanks so much Holly, I have sumitted all the information and 3 photos of the pair and the signets. They were paired in 2006, It's just great to see how many people have actually reported sightings over the years. Have a look at the website, it's very interesting. I'm so happy that so many people do care. I was just worried, because they were next to a dog beach, with dogs running off leach and kids throwing stones. But if they made it for all those years, they will be fine. Good luck to them!!! You will find them on :
Happy to help M-L - it sounds like a great project and I am sure they would have appreciated your sightings. Its wonderful to be able to identify individual birds, I think it really helps establish a bond with them (if that makes sense)