RSS Feed Subscription

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Holly's picture
RSS Feed Subscription

I have developed a RSS feed for the BIBY website that you can subscribe to and be updated on any new content posted on the site. This includes new forum threads but, at the moment, it doesn't seem to pull in new posts to old threads. I am looking to see if that is possible.

You can click a link on the home page or on the bottom of all pages (with the twitter/facebook links etc) to subscribe.


Holly's picture

Google Chome doesn't like RSS feeds so I am currently working on a solution.

Rodstoo's picture

Working well in FeedDemon.

The RSS feeds are working better in the new site than they did on the old one.

Thanks Holly :-)

Holly's picture

Great thanks for letting me know Rodstoo :)


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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