RSS Feeds

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timmo's picture
RSS Feeds

Hi Holly,

I was just wondering if the RSS feeds for the site are working? Or if not, whether there are plans to do so?

I really like this feature, as it lets me know what's new without having to look through each forum.

I used to check the old site regularly, then got lazy and connected to the RSS feed which sent the updates to my Google Reader account, so I could see any new posts. While the old feed sent new messages multiple times, it did send new messages through.

I have linked to the current feeds, but apart from 1 new message on the Bird-friendly Gardening feed last Thursday the 16th Feb, I haven't seen any new posts on any of the forum feeds.

I can provide more info if needed.



Araminta's picture

Not that I know much about RSS, but I have to say, although I'm beginning to like the way you post photos (mind you, they still not as good as on my computer), I don't like the little blue window in the top right hand corner. Even the name "ACTIVE FORUM TOPICS" , what does it mean, the others aren't active? There are only 5 on display, the rest you have to go looking for.And it's not the last 5 of one category, it's of all the different threads. That's why many times you post something interesting or some very good photos, they disappear of the radar, so to speak. Unless someone goes looking for them. This is even more so on weekends, when more people post, posts go unnoticed very quickly, most of the time not because they are not interesting, or the photos aren't good. I don't know how to solve this, but someone should think about how to find  a solution. We will see, I doubt many members will read this?


timmo's picture


I think that blue window is just a quick glance thing to show the most recent activity on the site, so it just shows the last 5 threads in order of the most recent posts on the forum. In this context, "Active" just means threads with recent activity on them - not that other threads are somehow "inactive".

RSS feeds are simply a data service which provides a list of things that have changed since last time you read the feed. Most blogsand many websites provide them (although they can be annoying on big forums or sites with high postcounts like news sites).

You can link to them using some browsers (like IE), desktop applications (like feedburner, I think...) or net apps (like Google  Reader)


Woko's picture

I don't bother with ACTIVE FORUM TOPICS. They're neither here nor there for me but maybe others find them useful. And although it's not a big deal, I notice that the new postings numbers displayed are most times quite inaccurate. They seem to lag real time.

Rodstoo's picture

It would be nice to get them working, it is my preferred way of reading the forum as well, I have asked already but no answer, this section seems to be the only one working.

Holly's picture

Hi guys, I am taking notes and enquiring with the web developers about all of this.

The 'active' threads are just the 5 most recent posts - from anywhere in the forum. It is just the default setting for this forum type. I have no idea if it can be changed or increased.



timmo's picture

Thanks Holly, much appreciated.


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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