Well, not a real rainforest, but a dark enough environment.
Taken at the lovely Ourimbah RTA reserve on the central coast. These are really my first bird photos where I've ever used a flash so they are very likely not up to standard and look too "flashed"... but practice will lead closer to perfect in time, I hope.
Don't mind the twig...
Hi Galah,
Love the photos.
Having just started using fill flash myself I can understand some level of frustration but it really does open up a whole new raft of opportunitys in low light situations.
Nice ,are you using just the flash or a flash extender
Beat me to it sparrow. I want a better beamer, but perhaps I should get a speedlight at some stage first :-D Can I ask too , do you use built-in flash or speedlight (or equiv)?
Beautiful shots btw. Brilliant colour & feather detail.
West Coast Tasmania
the beamer came up in tips and tricks under hot weather photography shorty even had a home made one .
Thanks everyone
Annie, yep you will need an external flash to get started :)
Pics were taken with the better beamer on a SB700
Well done Galah! Are you using the flash on or off camera?
Off camera with a Wimberley flash bracket. I still got a few shots with steel eye but that's fairly easy to fix up in photoshop. :)
Ah yes, did too, I remember now, thanks for that reminder sparrow.
Thanks galah! And there lies my problem, my preference to hand hold + holding an off camera flash. Think I need a few more millennium to practice my two hand holding technique before I attempt one, lol. That & some better developed arm muscles :-D
West Coast Tasmania
Great photos Galah,
I think I have seen some of your photos on flickr before and they are amazing as well
The flash is still connected to the camera via a cable so the handholding technique doesn't change; just adds a bit more weight. With a 500/4 + flash etc, it's quite heavy for me but I can hold it up for a short time. The Catbirds were handheld from memory. I find a tripod too cumbersome for such active birds.
It is a challenge Annie, but you will get used to it! :)
You're very kind BabyBirdwatcher, thanks :)