Raptor ID please

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pacman's picture
Raptor ID please

I got these pics on the Woodgate Road, Woodgate, Qld in Dec '11

I think a Brown Falcon but the face markings are confusing me

oops, no photo, I will try again later

Windhover's picture

Definitely Brown Falcon mate, great ID!!!

The dark, kind of, tear drop shape under in front and behind the eye is a distinguishing feature. As well as the overall plumage and grey feet.

pacman's picture

thanks for the confirmation

I was getting confused by the fawn feathering above the beak and eyes


ScottTas's picture

I recommend doing some reading from various bird books - there are key features to look at to differentiate them, as Windhover says.

There are so many slight variations between even brown falcon individuals, that it's much better to look for the key differentiating features, than at random spots / splotches / stripes etc... The 'double teardrop' Windhover refers to is what I find the most helpful.

Hope that helps! Cheers,


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