On Saturday I was invited to go on a cruiser out to West Head in Broken Bay.
I organized a few more keen bird togs and we headed out with Geoff, who normally manages the Sydney Sea Eagle nest cams at Newington.
I have started to upload a few pics into a Flickr gallery here
Here is a Whistling Kite from Patonga, that was only too keen to come in close to check us out a few times.
What an amazing series of shots. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely magnificent as usual Ákos! Wow to the Sea-Eagle with it's catch of the day, what a moment that must have been being there at the time. Would that be a real dual between the adult and juv Sea-Eagles Ákos, or more of a training exercise between parent and offspring?
West Coast Tasmania
Thank you!
Annie, the adult was chasing the juvenile down!!!! There is a nest very close which adults were lining with sticks. They don't want any young birds hanging around (possibly) as they view them as competition for food now that they are able to fend for themselves.
Now it is time for the juvies to fly off and find their own stretch of water or live as a nomad until they can find a permanent territory. Actually, one of the adults in the nest we had had plumage that still had some juvie colouring on the top of the wings. Perhaps the previous fe/male disappeared or died or was pushed out. My guess is s/he died.
So, WBSE live to about 30ish right? That would make junior perhaps in his early 20's in human years so.....definitely time for him to get a place of his own . Thanks for that info! So if she has a bit of juv colouring, would it be fair to say it would probably be her first breeding season at almost 5ish then?
West Coast Tasmania
Yes Annie most likely.