Red Wattle Bird fight

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di.anneslegacy's picture
Red Wattle Bird fight

This territorial dispute was photographed in late August, it was between 3 Red Wattle Birds and I thought the victim was going to be killed by the other two.  It went on for about 8 minutes with feathers flying everywhere.  Every now and then one would stop and throw it's head back and give that wattle bird call - at the end they all just flew away - but I only saw 2 Red Wattle birds in our immediate area after that. 

Araminta's picture

O, wow, what a great event to watch. I love your photos, just fantastic. Wattlelbirds are so fast and furious when they attack, and there is power behind it too. I always feel sorry for the small Honeyeaters they chase.What a great sequence.

Do you think all three of them were male birds? Or was the fight about a girl?


---'s picture

i have a lot of these birds in my area (usually you see about 3 seperate groups of 4 or 5 in the breeding season fly around) so i would think that this is a male and female bird defending their territory

a few of those photos are fantastic,you should put them in the Best Photos section

Woko's picture

Spectacular, dramatic, & most interesting,Di.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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