Very nice work ... thanks for sharing these photos from your travels. Great inflight shots.
Are you using the tamron 600mm lens? (Apologies if I am confusing you with so one else).Good results whatever you are using.
Hi Whistlingduck,
Thank you, glad you are enjoying the photos from the US, its been a great trip! I have also seen Golden and Bald Eagles but not in photographic range unfortunately.
Yes, I am using the Tamron 150-600, starting to get the hang of using the lens and it's a great value long lens. Check out the Osprey take off sequence I put up, the shots were taken at a distance of over 100m and a focal length of 550mm, good test of my new
Very nice work ... thanks for sharing these photos from your travels. Great inflight shots.
Are you using the tamron 600mm lens? (Apologies if I am confusing you with so one else).Good results whatever you are using.
Very nice work ... thanks for sharing these photos from your travels. Great inflight shots.
Are you using the tamron 600mm lens? (Apologies if I am confusing you with so one else).Good results whatever you are using.
Hi Whistlingduck,
Thank you, glad you are enjoying the photos from the US, its been a great trip! I have also seen Golden and Bald Eagles but not in photographic range unfortunately.
Yes, I am using the Tamron 150-600, starting to get the hang of using the lens and it's a great value long lens. Check out the Osprey take off sequence I put up, the shots were taken at a distance of over 100m and a focal length of 550mm, good test of my new
lens : )
Opps, I had not looked at the osprey one where you told us you were using the tamron. Great photos of the osprey take off.
Selecting a new lens can be a bit of a shot in the dark, and you have certainly hit the target with the tamron.