Red tailed black cockatoos

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Red tailed black cockatoos

We have been enjoying the noisy company of about 10 red tailed black cockatoos in the park outside our back gate. They arrive at sunrise and stay all day to feed, rest, chatter and preen each other and then leave for the roosting tree as the sun departs. 

So very beautiful.

Woko's picture

Sensational!! That patch of bushland is so precious! Are those trees Eucalyptus viminalis? And where are they?

robwill's picture

Great capture Irwinm16........the red on the fanned out tail looks awesome.



Hi Woko...I know right?? How lucky are we to have this right outside! I don't know what species of Eucalyptus these trees are sorry...but the birds tuck right in! This is in Thornlie in Perth.


Thanks Rob! Lots of standing around waiting for the right shot.. but that's to be expected...

Woko's picture

Thanks for the information, irwin. I checked & Eucalyptus viminalis isn’t a species local to WA. 

laza's picture

Great photos of a brilliant bird.

Down here in the South West, Im so happy to see firetails far more than I was a few years ago 

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

alcatraz's picture

Terrific shots. Just love the depth in the colours. Well done!


Another shot of these lovely creatures...


Thanks Alcatraz! :)

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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