Regent Bowerbird

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Regent Bowerbird

I went to Ourimbah Creek reserve (Central Coast NSW) which a landcare group is restoring from 1940s farmlands back to rainforest and wetlands.

MIxed feelings about getting my first Regent Bowerbird - great to see one, but disappointed it was so far away and it quickly flew away.. Waited around a while but it did not return.

About 30 minutes later my luck changed and saw a female Regent Bowerbird shaking her tail feathers to dry off after a bath in big plastic drum left for the birds by the land care group.

rawshorty's picture

Excellent WD, i only have a very lousy tick pic of these. Looks like the one at the water drum is a juvi? yellow gape.

Shorty......Canon gear



Thanks RawShorty.

rawshorty wrote:

Looks like the one at the water drum is a juvi? yellow gape.

Not sure - my book says female breeding has the yellow gape.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Great find WD. I bird I would love to see.

rawshorty's picture

WhistlingDuck wrote:

Thanks RawShorty.

rawshorty wrote:

Looks like the one at the water drum is a juvi? yellow gape.

Not sure - my book says female breeding has the yellow gape.

Hmmm, that will teach me to make an assumption. Just looked and the female has a yellow eye though.

Shorty......Canon gear


TheBirdLover's picture

Lucky find, WD...It's great to get such a close shot!


Reflex's picture

I remember my first sighting of a Regents all alone at Mount Glorious early one Sunday morning. It was so close I couldn't focus.

WD If you ever come up this way PM me and I'll take you to a spot that's good for Regents.

Samford Valley Qld.

pacman's picture

WD - I worked at Erina for 6 months from sep '12 to Mar '13; does this plastic drum look familiar?

Reflex - I am about to go away for about 1 week but will PM you when I am back to arrange an outing for the RB, I need better pics.


Woko's picture

How good is that??!!! Restoring farmlands to rainforest & wetland!! Now for a few coal mines!  

I'm not sure about the wisdom of the plastic drum for the birds. I once went on holidays leaving a bucket under the edge of the bird bath which had a slow-dripping hose feeding water to it. The bird bath overflowed into the bucket. When I arrived home two weeks later there were three drowned New Holland Honeyeaters in the bucket. It would have been better to have used a shallow bowl rather than a bucket.

pacman's picture

WD - your bird does not have the crown spot as in my pic above and very clearly below, I believe that the crown spot indicates age



Thanks Birdlover, Rick and Reflex. 

Rawshorty and Pacman ... thanks for the information about the black marking, I did notice it was absent. Didnt know it indicated a young bird.

Pacman... you got the double at the drum!  I will have to go back and see if I can catch the male there too.

Woko ... you are right it is a hazard for the birds, but they have the sticks in it to help the birds get out. I only know that because I met a guy there that was working on the regeneration of the site and we were talking about the birds and the drums and he explained purpose of the sticks.

pacman's picture

WD - yes, go back there, my memory suggests that I also got good pics of Satin BB, Spectacled & Black-faced Monarchs, Rufous Fantail, juvenile Dollarbird and Grey Goshawk there


Elsie's picture

What a great new tick for you!!! So exciting :) Now you get to have the added bonus of working towards a closer shot :)

Thanks for sharing!

Woko's picture

Sticks would certainly be a help, Whistling Duck. I should have thought of that!!

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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