Removed spam filter

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Holly's picture
Removed spam filter

Hi guys

I have removed the filter on forum posts and topics so you won't have to type in a code when you post something (that the filter thinks may be spam). Lets see how we go, if spam becomes more frequent and annoying again we will look at reinstating a more relaxed version (a middle ground). People still of course need to go through this process when registering on BIBY.





soakes's picture

Thanks Holly.  I had to enter a code last time I posted something with a link in it.

Is it possible to use a filter that allows "known, trusted" posters through?

(..and I hereby declare myself trusted!)

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

Holly's picture

soakes wrote:


Thanks Holly.  I had to enter a code last time I posted something with a link in it.

Is it possible to use a filter that allows "known, trusted" posters through?

(..and I hereby declare myself trusted!)

- soakes


I don't think it gives me that flexibility unfortunately - its all 'suss' posts or nothing! There are various settings - relaxed, moderate or strict - but given a real person needs to register for the site anyway I have a feeling that the extra filter isn't stopping any extra spam (I could be proved very wrong very quickly though surprise)

Araminta's picture

Holly wrote:

Hi guys

I have removed the filter on forum posts and topics so you won't have to type in a code when you post something (that the filter thinks may be spam). Lets see how we go, if spam becomes more frequent and annoying again we will look at reinstating a more relaxed version (a middle ground). People still of course need to go through this process when registering on BIBY.



Thanks so much Holly, you are a champion. (or is that a "championette?)

Noticed it before, thought it was a mistake. This is much better.


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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