Hello all. Had a juvenile bird crash into one of my windows after chasing an insect. It was quite stunned afterwards and I put it in a quiet spot overnight for observation. The next morning it was placed into another larger cage, showing it appeared to be recovered. It even had 2 of the local apostle birds try to feed it through the bars.
I'm hoping to get help in identifying the bird. Honeyeaters, shrike-thrush and even cuckoo's have come to mind. Being juvenile makes it harder. There is slight yellow forming on its lips.
Also I have now
got a face to a call I have been hearing for a while.
Located in a town of the upper mid-north region of South Australia.
Thank you heaps if you can help. I really want to find out what it is.
Imgbb image website album link.
The birds feeding will be its perants. Is the bird is ok, can fly, and nothing is broken, you could let it go.
recommend taking it somewhere to get it's insides looked at,
Wimmera mally region, Vic.