Restless Flycatcher swallowed a spider ...

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Restless Flycatcher swallowed a spider ...

... to catch the fly?

Taken at Richmond lowlands

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Nice shot WD, top little hunter.

vas's picture

Nice set WD, i have past Richmond Lowlands briefly a few times and gotten a few raptors and other birds but no RF sightings or photo's for me yet. I basically just stopped my car and took photos from the road. 

Devster's picture

Great series of photos WD and love the title, made me chuckle laugh

Reflex's picture

Interesting series of shots WD. Looks like you were able to get pretty close.

Samford Valley Qld.


Thanks for the comments everyone.

vas wrote:

i have past Richmond Lowlands briefly a few times and gotten a few raptors and other birds but no RF sightings or photo's for me yet. I basically just stopped my car and took photos from the road. 

I am just working from the road too vas - i dont know of any public access to areas away from the road. I see the RF on the fences by the road - i have a second look at every "willie wagtail" on the fences, just in case they are a RF!

Reflex wrote:

Interesting series of shots WD. Looks like you were able to get pretty close.

Thanks Reflex. The RF was just on the wire fence on other side of narrow country road from me. Confident little birds, not really worried about me at that distance.

Canonguy's picture

That's good!

A few years back a pair breeding on the banks of Pugh's Lagoon (at eye level and in perfectly clear view) were often feeding spiders to their young. I am sure I have a few pictures with different spider species being brought in.

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