River Birds

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birdie's picture
River Birds

I had been sitting by the river shooting the cormorants etc when I decided to drive off to another area.... as I drove off I couldnt believe my luck when this beautiful Brahminy Kite came towards me and directly overhead. I just hung the camera out of the car window as there was no time for anything else!

This little Pied Cormorant was so relaxed with me creeping around his perch ...a very sweet little fellow

There were two Little black cormorants as well as the LPC and several others using the log as a drying rack

This White faced heron was a real character as it shared the drying rack too

Here is the full shot of the cormorant

This was all in one little spot on the Maroochy river ... a very satisfying hour spent there.

Hope you enjoy them as much as I did

pacman's picture

a good afternoon Birdie


Karen's picture

Good pics.  That was great catching that Brahminy Kite from the car.  I agree, many times its all you have time for.

Brisbane southside.

birdie's picture

Thanks Karen..... to be honest I was gobsmacked at my luck on seeing it come towards me ..... I stopped the car in its tracks and hung out the window straight away....fortunately it was a little used road lol.  And I usually stuff  moments like that up in my excitement but I was in full camera mode with it sitting on my seat next to me smiley

Sunshine Coast Queensland

roybat's picture

Great shots birdie. Yes, it's easy to stuff up when hurrying to get a shot.   @#$%^&is usually my reaction at missing something

Araminta's picture

Hi Adrienne, I don't know which one of these GREAT photos I should comment on first.? I love the White-faced Herron and the little Cormorant sitting on the perch. The details in the feathers of the wings of the Herron, and  the lighting are excellent. But the Brahminy Kite in flight shots are excellent work.

( sorry, but I don't understand a comment like robat's quote: it' easy to stuff up when you hurry to get a great shot. quote.)

There is NO stuff up here, just outstanding photography, as usual.


birdie's picture

Thanks M-L..... I was pretty happy with them  especially with havingn the presence of mind to actually get the Brahminy  LOL.

 I think Roybat was just referring to my comments about usually getting myself in a flap and stuffing it up.

Thanks for your appreciation smiley

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Araminta's picture

Disagree, haven't seen you stuff up anything!!!


birdie's picture

Ha ha M-L ... that is because if I consider them a stuff up .....I do not post them wink

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Araminta's picture

Me neithe r!!!! Blurry photos , I delete them.There is always a next time, that is the challenge of photography.


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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