At last. Been trying to get a pic forever of this bird. Now, Barry took this one, as I wasn't able to get up to Riverdale today. He's trying out his new camera and is yet very inexperienced with it. He was very lucky to get this pic.
This link will, I hope, take you to a not so very good video of the same bird. You can hear its distinct call and it shows the greenish sheen in the bird's wing. It's very short, so not a painful experience. Practice will help make Barry perfect.¤t=DSCN0196.mp4
Wasn't painful at all Karen, Barry is doing fine. A bird we are yet to see, thanks for sharing.
Thank you (from Barry). I am trying to encourage him to take a photography course and learn how to get the best from his camera. I'd be interested in doing it too. This wasn't bad especially as the bird was around 30-40 feet up the tree.
Brisbane southside.
a good pic & thanks for including the video