Satin Bowerbird

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greviousbh's picture
Satin Bowerbird

This young lady was appearing regularly while the Cherry Guava was in season, between her, the  other Satin Bowerbirds and Pied Currawongs they don't stay long on the tree.  The tree is about 30m from our front veranda

Most I have seen on that tree were 2 females and a male.  Not sure how many used to visit.

I do have to confess though that that above two male Satin bowerbid photos were taken while we were hiking in Washpool NP, just North of us.

Elsie's picture

Wow! Great photos!

their eyes are just incredibleheart That last males eyes are definately purple!!

So beautifulsmiley

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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